Sustainable Williston, our town’s grassroots environmental group, meets Wednesday evening at 7pm upstairs at the Dorothy Alling Library, and anyone interested in local environmental issues is welcome.
Author Archives: Luc Reid
Community Solar Forum in Hinesburg, Tue April 22nd
From the Hinesburg Energy Committee:
Community Solar Forum Tuesday April 22nd, 2014 7 PM
Hinesburg Town Hall, Hinesburg Vermont
Please join us for an evening forum on Community Solar. As our towns and villages shift to renewable energy, homes that do not have good access to the sun and would like to use electricity produced from solar photovoltaic panels can participate in community solar. Nick Ziter, from SunFarms Community Solar will present along with Jeff Forward from Richmond who has installed a group net metered solar pv array on his property. We will also discuss the financing options for these systems.
Community solar has been demonstrated to be a very viable option for towns and this forum will explore how towns can get started installing their own pv system.
Sponsored by the Hinesburg Energy Committee. Hinesburg Town Hall Tuesday April 22, 2014 7 PM
For info contact Chuck Reiss 482-3295
Tour Energy Efficient Houses in Burlington and South Burlington April 26th
From the South Burlington Energy Committee:
88 Lakewood Pkwy – Burlington
112 Adams Street – Burlington
24 School Street – Burlington
34 Sunset Avenue – South Burlington
Next Sustainable Williston Meeting: Wed, Apr 16th, 7pm
Sustainable Williston, our town’s grassroots environmental group, meets Wednesday evening at 7pm at the Dorothy Alling Library, and anyone interested in local environmental issues is welcome.
Years of Living Dangerously this Sunday has organized viewing parties for the premiere of the new Showtime climate change series Years of Living Dangerously: scroll down for information on where to join others to see it, or check it out yourself at home.
Produced by James Cameron of Titanic and Avatar fame (among many other movies, of course), the series employs correspondents like Harrison Ford, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, and others to explore the impacts climate change has already made on the planet. Here’s the trailer:
Watch Parties
Venue: My Living Room
Location: Burlington, Vermont, VT
Time: Sunday, April 13, 7:00 PM
You can RSVP here:
Venue: AO Glass Studio
Location: Burlington, VT
Time: Sunday, April 13, 4:00 PM
You can RSVP here:
Venue: My living room
Location: Charlotte, VT
Time: Sunday, April 13, 7:00 PM
You can RSVP here:
Tonight: Free showing of Bag It
An average guy makes a resolution to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store. Little does he know that this simple decision will change his life completely. He comes to the conclusion that our consumptive use of plastic has finally caught up to us, and looks at what we can do about it. Today. Right now.
Watch the trailer: scroll down to or click on this link for the March 11th entry.
Our Next Meeting is Wed, Mar 19th at 7pm at the Library
Sustainable Williston, our town’s grassroots environmental group, meets Wednesday evening at 7pm at the Dorothy Alling Library, and anyone interested in local environmental issues is welcome.
Current meeting topics include increasing bus ridership at CVU, plastic waste, the Birth Trees project, Williston bike paths, reducing waste at town celebrations, and more.
Williston Collaborates with Other Local Communities to Improve Water Quality
You may have heard about the stormwater improvements that are in the works for Williston and surrounding communities. Stormwater improvements are an environmental double win: they protect water quality while providing greater resilience in the kinds of large storms that are becoming increasingly common.
Lisa Sheltra of the Williston Public Works Department kindly brought us this update on Williston’s stormwater initiatives.
For more than ten years, several Chittenden County communities, including Williston, have worked together to create and operate the Regional Stormwater Education Program (RSEP). This organization is a collaborative effort of nine municipalities, the University of Vermont, the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and the Burlington International Airport. The central mission of RSEP is to educate the public on how stormwater affects our streams and Lake Champlain and the simple things we all can do to improve overall water quality. Together, we have been able to do much more than we would if efforts were town-by-town
Our efforts have included extensive community outreach and education to residents on key behaviors that anyone could do: picking up pet waste, reducing the use of fertilizers and pesticides, testing soils to determine if fertilizers are even needed and greener practices for car washing.
We are happy to report that progress is being made and the overall results are promising. In 2013 we surveyed more than 400 residents of the nine RSEP member towns. More than 80% of those surveyed now pick up pet waste compared to only 62% in 2003. Pet waste can be a significant source of bacterial contamination to our streams and Lake Champlain. Similarly, only 29% of the citizens surveyed use fertilizers on their lawn, down from 50%. We also saw an increase in soil testing to determine whether fertilizers are even needed. Testing soil for fertilizer need saves money, but also prevents unnecessary pollutants from entering our local waters.
Your efforts have resulted in significant progress. Additionally, Williston has partnered with a number of private landowners to plant over 4000 trees along the Allen Brook and its tributaries in an effort to improve the stream buffer that helps keep surface waters clean. Williston also works with local volunteers to organize stream clean-up events and to mark our storm drains to make everyone aware that what goes down the storm drain directly impacts our local streams. The town also spent a half day at local schools teaching students about how important it is to prevent stormwater pollution and protect our streams. We applaud your ongoing commitment to improving our water resources, and remain committed to working with you to advance these common goals
To that end, in 2014 and beyond we will be providing you more information on how you can further protect waterways by using rain gardens, rain barrels and reducing impermeable surfaces on your property. As spring and summer rainstorms become more intense, these actions can “Slow the Flow” of stormwater so our local waterways don’t become excessively eroded and/or clogged with silt and other trash.
We would like to thank the people of Williston for your stewardship of our streams and Lake Champlain. We encourage anyone who wants to learn more about what you can do to keep our Town’s streams and Lake Champlain clean to please visit
Lisa M. Sheltra
Assistant Public Works Director
2014 Sustainable Living Expo in Middlebury March 29th
Sustainable Williston member Dennis Bates passed along this information about the 2014 Sustainable Living Expo in Middlebury, where he’ll be exhibiting his sunroom / solar greenhouse designs (details edited from a notice sent out by ACORN: Addison County Relocalization Network).
Art from Trash: Creative Reuse Showcase
News from The Chittenden Solid Waste District:

Breakfast at Tape-anys by Sarina Cannizzaro
18th Annual CSWD Creative Reuse Art Showcase
The CSWD Creative Reuse Showcase is an art competition for Chittenden County students in grades 9 through 12. The purpose of the Showcase is to encourage students and the community in general to reduce waste by reconsidering what we consume and discard. Creative Reuse Showcase art is made from items and materials that have been used for their original purpose and then discarded either as landfill-bound trash or as recycling.
By entering, students compete for hundreds of dollars in cash and prizes from local sponsors. They may also earn a spot in a month-long exhibit of the Showcase at Frog Hollow Vermont State Craft Gallery in Burlington.
See the Showcase:
March 7: Showcase art exhibit opening at Frog Hollow. 85 Church St., Burlington, during First Friday Art Walk.
March 27 Closing Awards Bash at Frog Hollow. 6-7 pm (Awards at 6:30 pm)
More information at