Keep It Cool is a simple campaign by Generation 180 with a huge potential impact: it focuses on stopping the energy waste caused by storefront doors staying open while the A/C is running. Although already illegal in places like New York City, this behavior is common around the country, and collectively it adds up to enormous amounts of wasted electricity and associated pollution.
Generation 180 is a non-profit committed to advancing the transition to clean energy and supporting a cultural shift in energy awareness.
Why the big fuss?
A small action—as simple as closing a door—can not only prevent waste and pollution; it can spread the idea that energy is a resource that we should consume responsibly.
You can be a part of crowd-solving this problem (and it’s really simple):
The Problem

How Our Campaign Works

Every retailer that Generation 180 contacts will be invited to join our campaign. As retailers commit to keep their doors closed, we’ll recognize them on our map.
Check the map periodically to watch the progress of the Keep It Cool project as it spreads across your community—and across the country.