Williston Families With New Babies To Be Gifted With Trees at September Celebration


WILLISTON, VERMONT – Sustainable Williston, Williston’s grassroots environmental group, will commemorate Williston children born or adopted between August 2015 and August 2016 with the gift of a free tree or shrub for each child at the third annual Birth Tree Celebration Sunday, September 25th, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at Gardener’s Supply on Marshall Avenue in Williston. The free event is expected to include refreshments and craft activities for children. All Williston residents are invited. Families can register and select their tree and shrub choices by Friday, September 16th at www.SustainableWilliston.org/BirthTrees .

“It’s a unique program, and one that families will cherish as their children grow,” said Brooke Thomas, the celebration’s organizer. “What better way to welcome our new residents than with a living tribute which will grow alongside their child? The program also helps develop an early appreciation for nature and the environment while bringing together the Williston community.”

Williston’s Birth Tree Program was founded in 2014 by Sustainable Williston member Marie-Claude Beaudette, who wanted to recreate the tradition she knew from the birth of her own children in St. Bruno, Quebec.

The tree and shrub selections, donated by Gardener’s Supply, include flowering shrubs like Red Dogwood, trees like River Birch, and blueberry bushes.

Sustainable Williston is a citizen group active in projects like alternative energy, water quality, and carbon footprint reduction. They are online at SustainableWilliston.org.

Birth Tree Family Celebration 2014

This past Sunday, Sustainable Williston celebrated families of new children in Williston with a gift of a tree or shrub to each family, each with a small bronze tag with the new child’s name. The trees were donated by Gardener’s Supply in Williston, and sponsors Vermont Wildflower Farm and Green Mountain Compost donated wildflower seeds and a free bag of compost, respectively. The program was also supported generously by Vermont Forests, Parks, and Recreation and the Town of Williston.

Here are photos from Birth Tree Program organizer Marie-Claude Beaudette:

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Birth Tree Project sponsors

Town of Williston Gardeners Supply Company Vermont Forests Parks and Recreation Green Mountain Compost Vermont Wildflower Farm