CVU Money, Energy and Power Class Petition to Reprogram Hinesburg Traffic Light

Here’s a message from Nicole Bouffard:

CVU Road and 116

Our project, the Bright Light’s Project, for Money, Energy and Power class, is aimed at benefiting the Hinesburg community.

We have identified the traffic light at the intersection of CVU Rd/ Shelburne Falls Road and Route 116 as a system that can be improved and made more efficient. We have found that many CVU students and citizens of Hinesburg to be idling in large amounts of unnecessary traffic.

The light for Route 116 does not allow for the people turning left onto CVU Rd to safely do so. This is because drivers coming north from the town of Hinesburg create a constant flow of traffic that builds up, so when Route 116 going South light turns green, drivers turning left onto CVU Rd are blocked. This creates a large problem mainly in the morning when students of CVU are trying to get to school.

However the students are not the only ones affected. Citizens of Hinesburg who are trying to go straight through the light are blocked by the cars waiting to turn left.

Our goal is to help reduce environmental pollution from idling, maintain a steady traffic flow through CVU Rd and Hinesburg, and help the public save gas money.

To do this we will encourage the state to reprogram the light so that Route 116 going South gets a green light before Route 116 North does. This will allow for several people to get through the light, including people turning left, before the South bound traffic receives a green light.

We would like you to take ten seconds out of your day to sign our petition to change the light on Route 116. Changing the light will limit the amount of unnecessary traffic and idling.

Sign our online petition at:

Thank you for your time,
Keller Longchamp, Nicole Bouffard,
Amelia Dodds, Jack Carnahan

Successful silverware drive: thanks, Williston!

Sustainable Williston and CVU’s Environmental Action Club (ENACT) want to thank everyone who came to the polls Tuesday and contributed silverware to the silverware drive to reduce plastic use at CVU! We’re planning steps for an ongoing drive now, and hope to find hundreds more unneeded forks, knives, and spoons for CVU and later, an additional collection for use at community events.

Election Day Silverware Drive at Williston Polls


Do you have extra forks, spoons, or knives you aren’t using? Consider gifting them for use at CVU to replace the plasticware that’s currently used and thrown out at the cafeteria every day. The polls will be open for voting at the Armory tomorrow from 7:00AM to 7:00PM, and you’ll find a box there where you can desposit your silverware* contributions. CVU Environmental Action Club and Sustainable Williston, our town’s citizen environmental group, are co-sponsoring the drive. Members of both groups will be there for part of the day; stop by and say hi, whether or not you have extra silverware for the drive!

If you have unneeded silverware and don’t bring it to the Armory tomorrow, we’ll have more opportunities to contribute in the coming month.

*We’re not looking for actual silver, of course! Just stainless steel and the like.


Feb Meeting Notes, and Next Meeting Scheduled for Wed 3/19

Sustainable Williston met February 19th at the Dorothy Alling Library in Williston. We had two special guests for this meeting. First, Zuhair Chaudhry, a CVU high school student and CVU Environmental Action Club member who has made great progress with carpooling spoke with us about CVU bus ridership. Our emphasis until now has been on helping successfully restart the late bus program while ensuring good ridership, but it has expanded now to consider the question of bus ridership at CVU in general. We’re still working on this issue; get in touch if you’re interested in being part of it or would like more information.


Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) Outreach Coordinator Michele Morris joined us to provide information and recommendations on the question of reducing plastic waste. Sustainable Williston members are hoping to help phase out dishes and to volunteer time to assist with recycling and composting at some local events. Michele had some intriguing additional ideas and important insights. We also discussed Vermont’s upcoming universal recycling program and ways Williston can encourage better recycling and composting for residents and businesses.


Sustainable Williston member Marie-Claude Beaudette provided an update on our Birth Trees project, in which we’re partnering with the town and local business to (if all goes well) donate a tree to each Williston family into which a child is born or adopted. In its current form, it looks like the program will offer the option of either having the tree planted in a public place or given to the family to be planted at their home, though the details are still being worked out.


We’ll discuss these and other projects and topics at our next meeting, Wednesday, March 19th at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, upstairs.

We’re also talking about having more informal get-togethers from time to time. If you’re interested in any of the above topics, in attending formal meetings, or in being in the loop for get-togethers, please use the contact form and ask to be added to our e-mail discussion and announcement list.

Local Legends Acoustic Folk for Responsible Growth Hinesburg, Friday

Local Legends

Local musicians get together Friday 7-9pm at Champlain Valley Union high school to support Responsible Growth Hinesburg, a grassroots community organization.
Concert Line-up:Jamie Masefield with Doug Perkins, Tyler Bolles, and Jon Fishman; Michael Chorney/Maryse Smith; and Pete’s Posse: Pete Sutherland, Oliver Scanlon,Tristan Henderson.

Tickets available locally at Brown Dog Books and Gifts on Mechanicsville Road or by phone at 86-FLYNN.