Election Day Silverware Drive at Williston Polls


Do you have extra forks, spoons, or knives you aren’t using? Consider gifting them for use at CVU to replace the plasticware that’s currently used and thrown out at the cafeteria every day. The polls will be open for voting at the Armory tomorrow from 7:00AM to 7:00PM, and you’ll find a box there where you can desposit your silverware* contributions. CVU Environmental Action Club and Sustainable Williston, our town’s citizen environmental group, are co-sponsoring the drive. Members of both groups will be there for part of the day; stop by and say hi, whether or not you have extra silverware for the drive!

If you have unneeded silverware and don’t bring it to the Armory tomorrow, we’ll have more opportunities to contribute in the coming month.

*We’re not looking for actual silver, of course! Just stainless steel and the like.

Photo: Freepix.eu