Sustainable Williston will meet this Thursday evening, February 4th, at 7:15pm at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. Anyone who lives or works in Williston and is interested in sustainability is invited.
Tag Archives: sustainable williston
Sustainable Williston meets Thu, 11/12 at the library
Sustainable Williston will meet this Thursday, November 12th, at 7:15 at the Dorothy Alling Library. We’ll be in the Vermont Room, upstairs (to the left of the circulation desk). The majority of the meeting will focus on ways we can contribute to sustainability in the Town Plan process. Anyone interested in sustainability in Williston is welcome.
Sustainable Williston Meets Thursday, Oct. 1
Sustainable Williston will meet this Thursday at the Dorothy Alling Library from 7:15 to 8:45 PM to talk about the Town Plan, task forces, priorities for the Fall, the upcoming Birth Tree celebration, our monthly contributions to the Williston Observer, planned events, and more. All Williston residents interested in sustainability or the environment are welcome. From this meeting, you can get involved in task forces like trees, water quality, energy and carbon footprint, transportation, light pollution, and more.
Community Members and EV Owners Turn out for Williston Electric Vehicle Event

This gallery contains 11 photos.
About 30 community members and EV owners turned out for the second of Sustainable Williston’s Sustainable Energy Series events this past Monday, checking out and in some cases trying eight electric cars (a mixture of all-electric vehicles–AEVs–and plug-in hybrids) and three electric bikes. … Continue reading
Sustainable Williston Meets Thursday 6/18 at the Library
Sustainable Williston’s main or steering group will meet at 7:15 pm this Thursday, June 18th, in the Vermont Room upstairs at the Dorothy Alling Library. All who are interested in sustainability issues are invited. We’ll discuss following up on participation in the town plan as well as recent and planned events and other work under way in some of our task forces.
Special Sustainable Williston Meeting Thur 5/28 to Discuss Town Plan
Sustainable Williston will meet next on Thursday, May 28th, from 7:15-8:45 PM at the Dorothy Alling Library. Williston Town Planner Ken Belliveau will attend the first part of the meeting as a guest to discuss the 5-year town plan currently under development. We’ll also hear abbreviated reports from some of Sustainable Williston’s active task forces, including an update on the Sustainable Energy Series, which hosted an event on solar power in May and will host one on electric cars in June. Everyone interested in sustainability is welcome to attend.

Williston residents, including some Sustainable Williston members, attended recent kickoff meetings for the new 5-year town plan process.
Sustainable Williston Meets Thursday 4/16 at the Library
Sustainable Williston’s main or steering group will meet at 7:15pm this Thursday, April 16th, in the community room downstairs at the Dorothy Alling Library. All who are interested in sustainability issues are welcome to attend. Our agenda will include
- Presentations from each of our task forces
- April Stools Day (a community event cleaning up pet waste in and around the recreation path to benefit water quality)
- An upcoming series of articles we’ll be doing with the Observer
- Hosting a presentation series on topics like electric cars, solar panels, lowering heating bills, and other energy topics
- Further work on our new mission and vision
Sustainable Williston meets this Thursday, Mar 12th
Sustainable Williston’s main or steering group will meet this Thursday, March 12th, at 7:15pm, at very pleasant meeting space provided by Michelle Robbins at 528 Essex Road, above the Habitat for Humanity Restore.
We’ll hear reports from each of our newly-organized task forces and discuss plans and mission for Sustainable Williston going forward. Everyone in the area with an interest in sustainability is welcome; we’d love to meet you. You can join one or more task forces and/or attend the main meetings, whatever works well for your interests and schedule.
Our current task forces are
- Light Pollution
- Transportation
- Town Connections
- Trees
- Carbon Footprint
- Waste Reduction
- Water Quality
- Local Food
- School Connections
Carpooling is available; to join or offer a ride, contact us through our contact page with name, address, and phone.
Sustainable Williston meets Thursday, Feb 5th at 7:15pm
Please note: our meeting day, time, and location have changed for this month!
Sustainable Williston will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, February 5th, from 7:15-8:45pm at 528 Essex Road (Route 2A) in Williston, upstairs from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Everyone interested in environmental or sustainability issues is welcome to attend.
Sustainable Williston meets Wednesday, Jan 7th at 7pm
Sustainable Williston will hold its monthly meeting this coming Wednesday, January 7th, at 7pm in the Vermont Room upstairs at the Dorothy Alling Library. Everyone interested in environmental or sustainability issues is welcome to attend.