We are Wild About Williston!

Come join us as we celebrate the huge progress Williston has made conserving open space and natural resources since the ERF was created in 1989 with door prizes, maps, lively discussion, and CAKE!

– Come learn more about past, present, and future conservation initiatives with contributing experts including Trust for Public Land, Vermont Land Trust, VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Vermont Master Naturalist Laura Meyer, Williston Planning Dept, and Williston Conservation Commission.
– Come get involved in planning the future of conservation in Williston; setting our town’s conservation goals in the next Town Plan (currently being drafted), identifying reliable funding sources, and improving public outreach.
– Doors open at 6:45 on Thursday, December 7 for mingling and light refreshments, formal presentation will start at 7pm, and there will be a chance to mingle with guest experts after the presentation.