Kick-Off – Williston’s Fabric Shopping Bag Sewing Group

For October we are combining our social with a special event:

Kick-Off – Williston’s Fabric Shopping Bag Sewing Group

Example bag sewn by Melinda Petter of Sustainable Williston.

Please join us as we gather to start a community group focused on Sewing Fabric Shopping Bags.

Date: Thurs, October 10
Time: 7 – 8:30 PM
Where: Isham Family Farm Barn, 3515 Oak Hill Rd, Williston

We will be sewing fabric shopping bags – in advance of VT’s new law banning single use plastic shopping bags which goes into effect July 2020. You can sew a bag for yourself, for a friend, or for a community member in need of a bag.

We will provide a simple pattern, instruction, tables, cutting boards, an iron, and ironing board.

Please bring your sewing machine, pins, scissors, and some sturdy woven fabric, and sew a bag with us. Acceptable fabrics include left-over yardage or used fabric from draperies etc., no tee-shirts or stretchy fabric please.
We should have extra fabric to share. And we certainly would appreciate any extra fabric you may consider donating!

Don’t have a sewing machine? Not ready to sew? You are welcome to just stop by, to chat, and see what we’re up to, or maybe even give someone a hand with cutting, folding, or ironing.

This initial Fabric Bag Sewing Group event will be combined with Sustainable Williston’s monthly social gathering. Simple snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring a drink. Beer/wine is allowed, BYOB.

Note, this first sewing group meeting is being held in an historic barn … which means no heating – dress warmly if the evening is chilly. The Fabric Bag Sewing Group will find an appropriate venue for the winter months ahead.

*RSVP’s appreciated, but not required*
RSVP to Melinda Petter

2 thoughts on “Kick-Off – Williston’s Fabric Shopping Bag Sewing Group

  1. Hi Reed, I would love to do this but I am not avalable on the 10th.
    If you do this again, I would love to come. I have fabric too!

    • Hi Marie,
      Please check our calendar of events on the website. We have just scheduled the next fabric bag sewing event (at DAML this time) for Thursday, November 21st from 7:15-8:45 pm. For more information please contact Melinda Petter at
      Thank you!

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