Williston Energy Plan Summary

Thanks to Marcy Kass for this excellent summary of the Williston Energy Plan. Feel free to share!
Currently the first draft of the Town Budget does not include paying for anything in the Williston Town Energy Plan. So while it was approved by the Selectboard, there’s currently no money in the budget allocated to its recommendations, most notably the Town Energy Coordinator position.
We are rolling up our sleeves in Sustainable Williston to see if we can do some outreach in the community. While funding a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a challenge, as a town, country, and species we can’t afford NOT to do it.

Stay tuned!


One thought on “Williston Energy Plan Summary

  1. Looks great, Marcy!

    Please share letters of support for a town energy coordinator and committee with the town manager and selectboard.

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